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  2. About the Sponsors on the CrowdStreet platform

How are sponsors screened before their deal launches on the CrowdStreet platform?

Each sponsors’ investment offering is subjected to a review process by our experienced Investments Team to ensure both the sponsor and the offering meet our platform requirements. We’re committed to publishing commercial real estate investment offerings while providing the transparency and tools you need to help make smart investment decisions.

The following is a guideline of our screening criteria. This is not an exhaustive list of all that is screened:

  1. Sponsor Vetting: First, we evaluate the commercial real estate developer or operator (aka the “sponsor’s”) background and track record to ensure that the sponsor has a demonstrated capability to execute their business plan and provide investors with a  high degree of professionalism. This includes deep background checks on sponsor entities and principals using industry-leading platforms. CrowdStreet uses CLEAR® | Thomson Reuters to conduct its background checks. In the event bankruptcies or lawsuits are identified , satisfactory explanations are required prior to moving forward in the screening process.
  2. Asset Review: Second, we evaluate the sponsor’s proposed asset or fund to ensure that it aligns with the sponsor’s background and with investor preferences. CrowdStreet analyzes assumptions pertinent to the feasibility of the business plan and performs sensitivity analysis to understand how the investment performs in both a downside and upside scenario.
  3. Offering Terms Review: Third, we review and analyze the terms of the proposed offering and associated documents. We then provide our results to the sponsor to either adjust to comply or reject any offering that does not match the criteria.

Click the link to view the full article: Our Investment Review Process.